The Word

F.Y.I — This is not a hate entry. That will come later.

Set A

  • A man in Tokyo marrying a video game
  • A woman in Paris marrying the Eiffel Tower
  • A man changing his name to all the combined name of all 23 Bond movies.

Set B

  • A guy launching an online search for a girl he saw on a train.
  • King Edward VIII abdicating the Throne just so he could marry a socially unacceptable woman.
  • People putting giant “I’m Sorry” billboards around town to apologize to their partners.

Reaction for A: Dude…That’s fucked up!!!

Reaction for B: Awwwww…

Now don’t try to act shocked. Relax, you are probably in your room, no one will notice. So, Set A was essentially just creepy guys acting weird, while Set B was people going to heroic lengths to find their one true love, right?


Love is a four lettered word with no possible rhyming patterns with either ‘Crap’ or ‘Shit’ but still has many a times left us feeling like the latter. Wars have been fought, suicides been committed and yeah billions been made too. All in the name of that crazy little thing called Love.

To all my brothers in friendzone, a warm welcome. To others, a lukewarm hello. You read both the Sets and I think I can say with a certain predictability that you’re reactions were more or less the same. A simple question. Why?

Guy A:  “Because that’s not love, that’s just people going crazy over materialistic things. It’s the exact same thing that’s eating away our society from the inside.”

Guy B:  “Because love is a man going to any lengths to find his soul mate so that he can be forever and ever happy with her.”

Me: So you mean that Set A was just psychotic guys on the verge of a breakdown.That, what they had was not love but simply an obsession. Hmmm. Well you know you really have changed my opinions. Thanks.

But hey, how can you decide that what is love and what is obsession.

Guy B: “Well its obvious isn’t it?? Are you blind?”

Me: Well, not me, but love is, isn’t it?

Guy A: “Well then why don’t you tell us what love is, huh”?

Drat. Caught in my own trap. In my defense, where poets, artists, writers have failed, do you seriously expect me to flourish?

But I think that it will be safe to assume that neither can you. You may start but will probably end up feeding me the same old lines that have become an image of Bollywood in the west. Same old dialogues vomited again and again.”What is love?” met with replies “When you find it You’ll Know”.Well thank you very much for clearing it all up.

So, basically everyone is oblivious about what it really is, how can we pinpoint what is love and what’s not. If you measure love by the amount of dedication,care,faithfulness shown, then bro,I’m sorry to say that many people’s cameras,cars,bikes,etc will easily be proven more ‘loved’ than your girlfriend(assuming you have one, if not,remember that love–crap–shit analogy?).

I’m not saying love is a vile thing.No, its not. It’s beautiful and should be experienced by one. Love indeed sets you free. True love is ….I don’t know. My true love has been the asexual boring kind (read friends, family, and relatives) and unless you call sordid one sided affairs as the other Love, I can’t really help you.

I saw something recently that made me think along these lines. A guy, an avid philatelist, gave his collection book, to a girl and she burnt it.By mistake, obviously.Now the guy had spent years over that collection.Searching, caring, cherishing it.And its loss was heartbreaking. His expressions as if someone had ripped out his stomach. The feeling of astonishment, drowning grief and sadness all wrapped into one big rock dragging him down towards the bed of the ocean. I don’t know what love is.But I it would be somewhat like what he felt for his collection.

Remember the Love-Crap-Shit analogy. It strikes again.

I don’t think anyone can judge what love is and what is obsession. One man’s trash is another man’s treasure. Love can be experienced in a multitude of ways.Media, business tactics have exposed us to a wholly wrong meaning of Love. Wherever money can be made the meanings are re written and believe me this ‘Love Sector’ is a diamond mine. And speaking of diamonds, the whole diamond industry reached its place due to ‘Diamonds Are Forever’ campaign which pitched diamond as an ultimate symbol of love.

Don’t look for love in the wrong places, you’ll end up disappointed. Find your love in things you cherish to do, that don’t become a drag after a while. And don’t you dare go on finding the meaning of the word Love. Let it come to you. You’ll know 😉 😛

Wallace: If you want her so bad, you have to fight for her. Step up your game, Scott. Break out the L-word.

Scott: Lesbian?

Wallace: The other L-word.

Scott: …Lesbians?